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Huang Jiayi
Ai Tong School
Nan Chiau High School

Ngee Ann Polytechnic (ME)



1) Forty-nine kay-gee
2) Hit CCA Gold
3) 1.5k more in bank
4) Director's List
5) 90% perfect complexion





January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008


♥ Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I spent my whole morning on CATS project.

Basically, for cats, ppt done by me, workflow done by me, market research done by me, hardcopy printing done by me, rewriting spidergram, done by me. In other words, anything else other than video in the "finale" part is done by me. Right.............. Its time-consuming alright. Its not as simple as you think it is. What Terence did yesterday, was all over written by me, because he just "prt sc", "paste".
Thank goodness it'll all be over tomorrow, I'm being abused. HA-HA-HA.

JIAYI wrote at

12:19 PM

♥ Sunday, July 27, 2008

So, what differentiates the eminent & the degrading crude niggard (or in simple term, the cheapskate low-class). Very obviously, theres a big difference, so a note to some, or in my case, to someone, don't try so hard to reach our level, when you're far from it. In my eyes, you are nothing but a thing of which has equivalent status as the brown thing which comes out from your anus. Born that level, live with that level, no matter how hard you try, you can't reach us, so continue being your cheapskate low-class guy. You have stepped over the line.

Soooooooo, back to my week. Since I haven't blogged for like say... 5 days? Thats what T told me. I can't exactly count days thou. It has definitely been a rather eventful week. First, laptop almost lost. Then, F1.. cash disappeared. Yesterday was Parent's Forum, & I made my parents go. Hehe! Did CATS project after that.... took video <1hour,>2hour. HAHA. Because Kenny was editing the videooooooo! Requested to leave, & so I did! Met T... stayed out till 1.30AM.. then cabbed home. Limited vocabulary bank limits my expression here. So, I shall not elaborate more. Since, the most important thing, ain't you people knowing my feelings, but my momo! HEHE. ((:
Since my CATS project touches on the littering problem in Singapore, I shall share with all you, sightings & evidences. Photos as promised! :D
Venue: Outside Marina Sq, Opp Esplanade. T & I reckoned that it was because the people were pissed that there were no fireworks last night. at 7+pm a lot of them were sitting there already, T speculated that they were waiting for the fireworks.
Venue: Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library Level 4
Venue: Bus No. 74
Hiding! Notice the bottle.
Right.. so anyways. Our school pond is undergoing draining for cleaning! FINALLY. look at the algae!

The big fat orange I once told you all about. It looks kinda deformed, like... too fat.

Porsche spotted in Ngee Ann. Not very expensive car.. But for a student it is, I guess.

Of course, it is nothing compared to the Lambo guy T told me about. Terence said its Mustafa's Boss's son.

This freaking glob of very disgusting dust apparently came from the high-time-to-wash fan of Canteen 1 & landed right smack in the middle of my food. It pretty much made me lose my appetite. But I still managed to swallow my food down.

We've got to climb Ngee Ann's longest staircase to go SIM Canteen. But its worth it. I love teh ban miannnn! (:

New facility @ club: "Great Bubble Reef"

Last but not least.... Jamie's Elmo with his nose hair.

To end off.....................

to my dearest T, love you so so so so so much!

JIAYI wrote at

1:42 PM

♥ Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello All! I believe I will be having very little time to blog this week. So, just a quick update before I get pumped up to face the busy week. I've also noticed that I need to add some spice to my blog. Since, what I have been posting all along is revolving around my own personal life & thoughts. I shall be adding photos to my next post too.

Top "need-to-blog-about" thing today is.... that I ALMOST lost my freaking ASUS! Thank you very much to Mr.Chua, who helped me go to the LT to search for it! Like I'm omg indebted to him laa! To re-enact what happened is a long story. But! I would share them to my babes. Babes, please have the patience to listen to me alright! LOL. Anyone who has the patience can ask me to share too! :D I'll gladly tell you my story. Hahahaha! T is the only person so far who bothered to hear me re-enact the whole story. Hehe!

Dad is in Malaysia. Man!

Anyways, reshuffling of eye candies:
1) Long Bean (I believe he'll be top for quite some time);
2) A

I suppose I'll be staying in school till late tomorrow too! Awww.......... ): !

JIAYI wrote at

12:27 AM

♥ Sunday, July 20, 2008

I've got this urge to complain about things. But its not good to have them written on my blog. Its politically, diplomatically wrong. & I can't complain to my T either. He might think I'm ranting to him, because he's the President. Which I have no intentions to. Oh, I so roaring need to do something about it. ): I need an outlet. Ohman!

Went back to school yesterday to work on CATS project, more than half the time, we were gossiping & checking out blogs & all. Now I know, guys are definitely, more gossip-y than girls. & they can really gossip over the phone too! No doubt. Anyways, I really like my CATS group mates. Especially Aaron & Terence. Aaron... has this ability to see that I have something weighing heavily in my mind, wow him. Terence... well, he is the one who always listens to me rant.. & all. I do listen to him rant too. + confiding. We completed our filming for CATS yesterday too. Its up to Kenny to edit now.

Went to Vivo with T after that. Hohohoho! Currently basking in exuberant love, an aftermath from yesterday! (: Every 'outing' is beyond expression of words.

I've got a few things to do today, before a brand new week starts, because I know next week is going to be a busy week for sure. Counting down.......... 3 more days to F1, 13 more days to Pulau Ubin.. 4 more weeks to exam. 5 more weeks to H-O-L-I-D-A-Y!

I don't know why, but.. Thank you very much, Terence.

JIAYI wrote at

1:27 PM

♥ Thursday, July 17, 2008

I seriously think P (CREATIVE & applied thinking skills teacher) has a fetish/obsession for a species of ungulate(hooved animals). That is, the cattle/cow. WHY? Because she probably has bladder equivalent to that of a cow's stomach. She must have been a reincarnated cow or something, & her used-to-be four compartment stomach didn't get abolished properly, & turned her bladder into a four compartment one, with loads of excess space, such that she hasn't felt the strong urge/need to PEE! She doesn't understand how we can't actually be CREATIVE when we're high tide because we'll just keep thinking of how urgent we need to go the toilet! & her preaching about cow collagen(from the connective tissue) being gelatin,& being a staunch vegetarian & what not, & how geckos don't actually wish to be squashed between door hinges, & thn she brings injured geckos back to her home & all. & how air-conditioners are so not environmentally friendly. She got on my nerves, I don't like her. She's a bitch.

YAY! Tomorrow is Friday! & MsHuang is SUPER delighted because ssssshhhhhheeeeeeeee iiiiiisssssssssss ggggggggggooooooooiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggg tttttttttoooooooo mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt hhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr T! :D & she's going to meet MES people too! double the YAY. oh,plus, its the last day of school week. TRIPLE YAY! saw Angus at Hougang today thou! ((:

Thats all for today I guess? I can't exactly think of anything else to blog about.

JIAYI wrote at

9:52 PM

♥ Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I absolutely abhor/dislike/detest/hate Wednesdays! Heavy bag (+ laptop in hand), multiple subjects, long day, tutorials. Roars. Wednesdays! BUT! My T messaged me todayyy! ((: HEHE.

Had German Oral Test (Roleplay) today. I think I screwed it! Next week is Written Test + Presentation. AYE. Next week is gna be a busy week, so far, I know that only my Thursday is free, for now. ): Please don't take away my Thursday!

Was discussing CATS project over the phone/messenger tonight. It was not bad of an achievement considering that most of the time we're crapping & not exactly focusing. At least, we have something to show Patricia tomorrow.

Lesson is gna end at 12 tmr. & I have nothing on after that, so.......... I might just head to club for a swim! Its been a longgggggg time since I did so! YAY.

Its the little thing he does that makes ((((:

JIAYI wrote at

12:08 PM

♥ Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Currently: Having my Hot Chocolate drink. Which is...... MMMMMMMM... on a cold, wet evening.

I was home before 5pm today. What-a-surprise! Maxine & I were supposed to do Compro project...... but we both didn't bring laptop. Probably doing it tonight? Anw, Maxine & I have been gossiping a lot, & missing out during lessonsss. OhMyGawd. & during Eltech Lecture today I was even messaging together with Maxine to Irshad & Billy, when they were just 3 metres away. (My phone & Irshad's phone were used!)
Aww sheesshhh. All for the talk about getting back on track & all. The web tutorials to be done, & tutorials that are not done yet. The multitude of things to be done. Goodnessssss.

Had lunch with Terence, Colin, Shaun & Terence's I-don't-know who friends, together with Maxine. HEHE. (:

I can't wait for Friday, because 1) I get to meet my T! 2) I get to meet MES people! 3) there's ECPRO lesson! (I like MrToh you know)

Anyways, had my list of eye candies sorted out today!
1) Long Bean (me & maxine's secret code! LOL)
2) M
3) A
MSNPA is out of the list btw. :D

But obviously, those are just eye candies. I still love my T more than anyone else.
eeeeeeeee. I'm currently missing my belovedT!

JIAYI wrote at

5:31 PM

♥ Sunday, July 13, 2008

Clearing some backlogs now. Not to forget, study for German test which is coming up next week. Next week is thankfully, a much much more relaxed week, considering that I have been ultra uber super duper busy for the past 3 weeks. This week was the worst, & so came Jiayi's haven't-appeared-for-long moodswings. So, now, its time to get back on track & start clearing all the backlogs & all. 5 weeks to Sem Exam? Currently, feeling VERYYYY happy because I'm thinking of how relaxed next week is. Hehe!

Yesterday's dinner + movie with T was (((: HEHE. I mean, it wouldn't be (((: if it wasn't with T. Had dinner at IndoChine........ went to Taka toy's section to PLAY & explore. Oldman was feeling young at heart there. =/ Catched '21'. Cabbed home with T. Reached home, 12+am. &&&& the rest are between me & T. I'm not going into details here, lest you guys find it boring! He's gonna have hell raising this materialistic girl here. (: Don't you regret!

My promise, its going going gone. I can't help but feel a little doubtful now. I'm definitely not prepared for this. Good grief. Its still not eating into me that it has actually happened. But but but, I LOVE YOU laa! (:

JIAYI wrote at

3:23 PM

♥ Saturday, July 12, 2008

Agenda for today:
- Play piano
- Write/Type out AGM minutes (if possible!)
- Maths Online

JIAYI wrote at

1:32 PM

♥ Friday, July 11, 2008

Shall share a nice song with you guys:

Its the Deutsch(German) version. Timothy prefers the Espanyol(Spanish) + English version though:

Timothy says its an old song by the way. (:

JIAYI wrote at

10:05 AM

Jiayi shall apologise for the usage of bad, uncouth, uncivilised, ill-mannered, vulgar language in the previous post. Although its just the F word involved. (:

I love my Old One! :D Hehe! He always makes my day.

JIAYI wrote at

1:47 AM

♥ Thursday, July 10, 2008

Finally......... I fucking broke down. The fucking stress was/is killing me. Fucking so many things to be done by tomorrow. Fucking cramped into today to complete. Fucking regret not listening & copying during Compro. Fucking Compro, don't screw my GPA.

Chill, Jiayi, Chill............................................ Its all going to be fine.

JIAYI wrote at

11:00 PM

currently: in MES room. I want to sleep, but there are guys behind me. No privacy. ))))): !

Ayeee. MsHuang is declared, in the nicer term "chubby" or in the crude term "fat". Received quite a few comment about that alreadyyyyyy! So, therefore, MsHuang has decided that, she will be attending Yoga lessons start this holiday! Heard from qing, that yoga is really useful! hehe. :D

Anw, I shall tumble off to sleep on the stinky sofa which Timothy should seriously wash. (: Just as Maxine said, its not illegal to sleep. So, I shouldn't care. :D

JIAYI wrote at

2:02 PM

♥ Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I need sleep badly. I need sleep badly. I need sleep badly.

I have been having dinner after 8.30pm the last few days. Today was worse, I ate after 9. & I ate lunch at 11+am, 12pm! I can feel my tummy demonstrating/protesting with rumbling noise & pain every now and then. Goodness. Poor tummy. I will try to treat you better alright, MrStomach. I will get Timothy to treat all the good food on Saturday. Indulge all you want! Its all on Timothy. (: hehe.

2hours lunch break today, Maxine & I headed to MES room (which MsFoo just sweeped & mopped). I dozed off on the stinky sofa. Imagine how tired was I am I. MsFoo came in after that. & she gossiped a little with us. WOMEN!

Poly 'Xperience briefing after lessons. There wasn't any time for me to eat or even, breathe. Called Angus to ask if he was attending, & he was like, "Eh. Today meh? Where ah? I forgot." Ohya, that Jasper & Angus have no idea where is LT68s, & they're Year3s. & I'm just a young Year1. Angus was giving that excuse that he needs to remember more important things & all. Goodness. But anyways, only me & Angus went today, & I had to wait for that stupid fellow to come, because he doesn't know where is it! Late already still go toilet somemore! & as usual la, he asked me to go on diet. Idiot.

Aye. Tomorrow's Poly 'Xperience day 1. I think I'll just be skipping the Friday one. I can't afford to be late for my Compro test. & speaking of that, I think I need to hit the Compro book tmr. ):

Maxine & I have recently been gossiping a lot, during lesson time! & I confessed to her all about Timothy today. Haha. She was like getting soooo enthu & all. tsk tsk!

& I realised I talked a lot to Terence on messenger today. Haha. A lot of matters raised. Colin, partners & so on & so forth. (:

Talked to Timothy on the phone just now. (:

YES, & I shall very well tumble off to bed soon. Toodles.

Its all growing too fast, that I'm even having doubts of myself.

JIAYI wrote at

11:53 PM

♥ Tuesday, July 8, 2008

All about Jiayi.

Here comes Jiayi when she has LSE.
Jiayi does not have any attractiveness, to guys. Jiayi is unglamorous. Jiayi is uncouth. Jiayi is loud(can't blame me for having a parade commander past). Jiayi is not kind(thou theres always the self-proclaimed kindness). Jiayi is bad at words. Jiayi is everything bad that you can name.

Jiayi is feeling stressed up. Jiayi is exhausted. Jiayi is so totally done for. Jiayi feels its all too much for her. 3 more days to CPRO test. 16 more days to F1. 4/5more weeks to semester examinations. The briefing for F1 today made me realise, I am so darn goodness graciously (nicer way of saying holyshit!) screwed. Making 1500 people "rah-rah" & media & all. Can I actually do that?

You may know how I feel. But you don't know how it feels. In Timothy's desperate attempt to cheer emo-ish Jiayi up, he even suggested telling a joke. Goodness. He thinks he's still in primary school. (But he's actually an old man already! Who watches spongebob also. tsk tsk!)

Just at this moment......... I feel I need a shoulder to cry on. What I'm feeling cannot be spoken. I just need a shoulder. But................................ theres no one.

JIAYI wrote at

10:06 PM

♥ Monday, July 7, 2008

Ayee. That #$%^ advisor. Screw him. I was complaining to Maxine about him throughout. Badmouthing him & all. Thankfully, I have Timothy to insult. hehe! Or rather, he allowed me to insult him! Goodness. A small little Asst/Vice.Secretary insulting MrPresident. I'm Screwed? NAH. Timothy loves me! Right, Timothy? HAHA. He won't screw me for sure.

SoE Superstar/ Soul of Entertainment meeting lasted from 5-7 today. Lucky Wei Han & co. left first, or they're bound to say me for sure.

Anywaysss... Bushy came to NP today again! (: This time round with Larrison & Benji too. JCs have Youth Day. & Poly doesn't. HOW UNFAIR. roars.

Alright, so tomorrow is not going to be a "nothing on" day either. F1 Briefing! Means, the only free day which I was SUPPOSED to have, is also taken up. I forsee that I'll be shagged & deadbeat when Friday comes.

There were times in the day, when I thought of you, & smiled.
Goodness Gracious. What is MsHuang falling into? I feel so totally like a bitch.

JIAYI wrote at

11:30 PM

♥ Sunday, July 6, 2008

Quote from the Sunday Times, 6th July 2008 : "Think twice before you hurl vulgarities at your maid or call her names." -Words like "Stupid", "Idiot", "Brainless" are included.- "Under the Miscellaneous Offences Act, a person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour may be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $5,000 "should it cause another person harrassment, alarm, or distress". Just a note to those who may have did that. Beware & be careful alright. (:

Let's take a look at my busy schedule for next week again!
Monday - SoE Meeting after lessons
Tuesday - Thank goodness nothing on;
Wednesday - Poly 'Xperience Briefing AGAIN! (I have no idea why is there so many, freaking hell)
Thursday - Poly 'Xperience 2008
Friday - Poly 'Xperience 2008, Math Project due, Computer Programming written test (I'll screw it for sure).
Saturday - NCHSRCY POP; date with Timothy!

3 weeks of pure hectic-ness. Its fun, but it kills too. & its 4 weeks to Semestral Examination. It would be a disgrace if a scholar doesn't score well right?

060708. RIP in my dear fishy. Although I COULD have been the one who murdered you(indirectly of course! I'm not sadistic, for goodness sake), please remember that I'll always remember you, so don't come back to find me alright. Sorry I didn't get a chance to take a photo of you before I flushed you down the teeorhhhlet bowl. Yes, RIP in dear fishy with a spot on your tail. CATS teacher would probably start preaching me, if she ever comes to know I did this.

Thats It! I'm complaining! Hmph! DADDY~! (Ohmygosh, do I sound childish?)

JIAYI wrote at

5:50 PM

♥ Saturday, July 5, 2008

Gee. I spent 4 hours on my peeeeahhhhnooooo today. Applause for Jiayi please. :D
So the agenda for the weekend, is to master at least one of the following songs: 'Truman Sleeps', 'Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence'. They're both toughies with loads of flats.

Timothy showed me this piano prodigy just now: David Sides
(click to view on youtube!)
He's so ohmygawd like future me! LOL. Alright, maybe not, I've got to admit he's one hell of a talent. Self-taught musicians are always THAT talented. Sadly, I'm not a self-taught musician.

Anyway, I realised this fact that people tend to become childish in a sense when they come together with someone they like. Its something which I have noticed by observing the people around me. I don't know if I'll be one too! OMG. noooo! I don't want to be depicted as "Childish Jiayi". My babes & some freakinggggg bird already hanged me with "Perverted Jiayi" tag, destroying my "oh-so-pure-,-innocent-&-demure Jiayi" image. Sheeeesssshhhhhh.

I miss my dearest! Its been close to 3 months since we last met. We're both so busy with our own life that we don't even have time to meet. Awwww. I seriously hope to meet up soon laaaa! ):

I shall hit the sack early tonight. & be an earlyyyyyy bird tomorrow. Just like Timothy is.

JIAYI wrote at

9:56 PM

♥ Friday, July 4, 2008


People seriously shouldn't stereotype that Singaporeans have bad English just because they hear the 巴刹 Aunty going "Orlin"(Orange), or the old uncles saying "Pish"(Fish). Actually the grammatical errors of Singaporeans, I do agree, is bad. But, there are many educated people in Singapore nowadays who can speak very good, perfect English, & yet, what people from other countries notice are all the negative usages of English. I don't deny I do use broken English every now & then, but I'm trying to keep up to speaking perfect English now though. "Speak Good English", spread the word.

Had tea reception with the Director today, but, no, I didn't get to talk to him either, other thn "Hi" & "Bye". Me & Angus were counting the number of year 3s in MES in 151 just now, & 9/15 of MES main comm are year 3s. MES would probably be not as fun next year anymore, with all of them gone! How very sad.

Anyway, left school at 7.25pm or so with Angus (Jasper went to meet his gf) on 151 after the briefing for Poly Xperience, was at NYGS when I had to go back. That *beep* kept saying I have got to lose weight. ROARS. Stupid dragon-boater.

So, took another 151 back to NP. It was the bus driver who always said "Thanks" & has this habit of pressing the horn every now & thn & when approaching a bus-stop.

Yes, so anyway, I climbed the hills & stairs & all, & finally made it to the MES room, alive! Timothy was there waiting for me. (spot that, LOL!) Yes, so anyways chatted with him & all from MES room, to CC toilet, to top-up EZ-Link card, to bus-stop. Its always nice talking to him, cause we're both of relatively the same kind of character. (Ohya, to confess, actually I do think I'm superior over people sometimes.) (: He owes me a date now. MUAHAHAH! =/ Ohyes, thanks to my "How to be a Gentlemen" lesson, Timothy was finally, very gentlemenly today. LOL. he opened the door, pushed the chair & all. Yes, get more lessons from me, & in no time, I believe you'll be one, whom every girl would die for. :D & when that day comes, don't forget to thank me!

Anyway, back to the story. 151 came, was queuing up to get on the bus, when, I couldn't find my wallet in my quite messy bag, I turned & saw it on the floor where I sat. Walked back to get it, I thought I would miss the bus for sure, so took my own sweet time. I was in fact still in time, so ran after the bus, hit the barrier before the bus uncle finally noticed. & it was that same "Thanks" uncle. I felt like telling him "Ya, thanks ah uncle, take so long to notice me, basket sia" =/ Ok, that so totally sounded Singaporean-ish.

Ohbtw, we rushed out a project in say.. ~1h for ECPRO today. It was a not bad presentation, considering that we did the project only on the day when we were supposed to present.

Thank God Its Friday. Its sleep in day tomorrow, YAY!

Check out this song, Chee Yan introduced it to me last night, he asked me to learn how to play it on the piano. Its totally got me addicted.

JIAYI wrote at

11:46 PM

♥ Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alinabubu came to NP to visit us today. My babe! (:

5 Things you ought to know, about ME (as in me,me,me! NOT my course!):

1) I don't exactly enjoy chatting through sms (it depends on who is the opposite too, heh), although I do have a lot of sms-es to spare.

2) I don't like having my privacy invaded. (Just like CATS lecturer did so today. She viewed my photos in my phone, without my permission, & she did the same to another guy, after we showed her what we found for the week. Screw her.)

3) I am not a person who instant messages someone, unless they IM me first, or I've got something urgent to ask/tell. BUT, I'm not anti-social though, I'm always glad when people talk to me. (:

4) I don't like irresponsible people, especially those who asked for help from me, & yet disappears into thin air after I found out all the information for them. (& it especially sucks when you're hit with headache & feeling totally horrible & they still do that, its getting on my nerves)

5) I am one damn person with a whole damn big ego. But, I do get times with lse(low self-esteem) too. (:

Alright, thats five facts about me today. Its part of me ranting too. I can't help it.

I want to start exercising & all, but reaching home after 8 everyday isn't helping. All I can do is crunches before I head to bed! & thats not good enough. Noooooooo! I don't wanna hit Jamie's doom day!

daily headaches are a pain in the ass! ):


JIAYI wrote at

8:36 PM

♥ Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Someone was asking me whether I want to learn driving in the future, I think it was Terence? Ya, so anyway, I said I did. & thn he popped me another question: "Would you rather drive or be driven?" Obviously, I picked the latter. & then while carrying my ultra heavy bag today (Wednesdays are always heavy load days), I was thinking..... if only I had a boyfriend who drives & has a car...... Alright, that was just a thought ok! I told Aaron & Terence that I want to drive a Lamborghini in the future too! LOL. A red one to be precise.

Dad just told us of a case which happened in Shanghai, a man with knife kills 5 Police. (Knife! Police have GUNS! hello?! Its not possible that knife> gun right) With the Olympics in 1months time, it doesn't give much sense of security doesn't it? Same with "Oh-supposedly-very-strict-&-safe-Singapore", the case of a man being able to board a plane with his son's passport. SON! its not as if its just brothers or something. What the hell is coming to the government bodies!

I just shared with Timothy some of my "ugly" pasts. & he shared his too. HAVOC guy. lol! Me & him, the 2 big egoist somehow click very well & its always fun/nice to talk to him. (Maybe its the fact that we're both people who are egocentric, thats why!)

aye. & Terence knows who's my eye candy already too, because he knows my eye candy. awww.

Current discrminated convict: Linda Tan, who spammed me with her cockroaches.

JIAYI wrote at

11:12 PM

♥ Tuesday, July 1, 2008

new song:
"Your Call" by Secondhand Serenade.

Timothy's favourite Secondhand Serenade song. (see! special mention, Nice Jiayi!)

JIAYI wrote at

9:50 PM

SoE Superstar meeting was a mental drain for me, headaches can kill you know, yes, I was trying so hard to listen, absorb, & give ideas. Ah, anyway, F1 emcee has been decided, its me & Weilson. Somehow when I heard MsFoo say "Chemistry" is most important, Angus came up, between Weilson & Angus, I think I have more "Chemistry" with Angus. Maybe its because I have really interacted with Weilson. I don't know, keeping my fingers crossed, that "Chemistry" does build up. (:

Many think its easy being in my class. Its not. Many think its easy being in my course. Its not. Many think I'll be able to run through poly life without any glitches. Its not. YES, its tough, even being in Mechanical Engineering, its a tail-end course I know, but you never know it until you enter. Its tiring in fact, knowing that you're running at the base of your class. They are miles ahead of me, while I'm still lagging behind, strolling along & taking my time. Its time to wake up, MsHuang. Start running! -literally too.

JIAYI wrote at

9:47 PM